
Dr. Yu Baofa and a team from the United States published an article in the Journal of Gastroenterology Research and Practice

24 Apr, 2024

Doctor Yu Baofa and the American team jointly published the article Evaluation of multiple autoantibodies to tumor associated antigens as potential diagnostic markers for pancreatic cancer in the Journal of Gastroenterology Research and Practice.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical significance of autoantibodies against GNA11, MSLN, GNAS, CEBPA, MDM2, p16, Sui1, Calnuc, PTEN in pancreatic cancer (PC). A total of 33 serum samples from PC patients and 45 serum samples from normal controls (NC) were included, and 9 types of autoantibodies were detected using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Evaluate using multiple parameters in individual or combined form. Except for anti GNAS and anti calNUC, the levels of all other autoantibodies were significantly higher than those in the normal control group. Compared with the normal control group (4.9%), the frequencies of four autoantibodies, MSLN, p16, PTEN, and Sui1, significantly increased, at 75.8%, 66.7%, 30.3%, and 27.3%, respectively. The ability of these autoantibodies to distinguish the area under the ROC curve (AUC) ranges from 0.666 to 0.884, with anti-p16 (AUC of 0.884) and anti MSLN (AUC of 0.857) exhibiting the strongest diagnostic performance. The combination of anti-MSLN and anti-p16 can improve the sensitivity of diagnosis.

In addition, both MSLN and Sui1 autoantibodies decreased in PC patients after chemotherapy. Four autoantibodies against MSLN, p16, Sui1 and PTEN showed potential diagnostic markers for pancreatic cancer, of which anti MSLN and anti p16 were the best. The combination of these two autoantibodies demonstrates the most economical and practical potential. The significance of decreased autoantibodies against MSLN and Sui1 in PC patients after chemotherapy needs further exploration.

The research on tumor related autoantibodies provides important reference for early screening, diagnosis, and treatment of tumors. Academician Yu Baofa applied tumor autoantibodies in tumor treatment more than 20 years ago.
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